Welcome to the CBASC!
The California Black Studies Curriculum (CABSC), under the direction of Dr. Travis J. Bristol and Dr. Tolani Britton, focuses on developing a California-centric Black studies curriculum based on the exhaustive research of the California state's first-in-the-nation reparations task force and is working towards piloting California's Black Studies Curriculum.
The California Reparations Task Force was authorized under AB 3121 and first met in June 2021. The CABSC seeks to support educators, researchers, and students in co-developing a cohesive and modular curriculum that advances the aims of the 2023 Task Force report.
The CABSC is a collaborative effort. Educators and students are encouraged to provide feedback for future iterations while ensuring their contributions align with the spirit and criteria of the CABSC.
In time, all contributions, taken together, will assist the curriculum development team, which is tasked with creating modular lesson series across the spectrum of academic disciplines and will constitute California's first Black Studies Curriculum.