Joseph Bishop, Ph.D.

Job title: 
Executive Director and Co-Founder, UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools

Dr. Joseph Bishop is co-founder and Executive Director of the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. He has held a number of state and national educational leadership positions with the Learning Policy Institute, the National Opportunity to Learn Campaign with the Schott Foundation for Public Education, Opportunity Action, the Coalition for Teaching Quality, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund.

Bishop has been featured in a number of digital and print media sources, including NPR, The Washington Post, EdSource and Education Week. He is the lead author and editor of Our Children Can’t Wait: The Urgency of Reinventing Education Policy from Teachers College Press and host of the accompanying podcast, Our Children Can’t Wait.

Bishop’s scholarship explores the relationship between policy and its impact on educational equity, racial justice and social justice movements. Some of his specific policy areas of expertise include community schools, tiered systems of support, early childhood education, students experiencing homelessness, the foster system, educator shortages, school finance, school climate, school exclusion and school discipline reform.

Dr. Bishop earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Policy and Organizations from the University of California, Santa Barbara.