Crystal Moore, Ph.D.

Job title: 

Crystal A. Moore, PhD is a systems thinker committed to helping public schools become the equitable and socially just places that all students deserve. She earned her doctorate from the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. Her research explores disparities in educational outcomes and systems change. She engages in research practice partnerships with urban school districts and employs mixed qualitative and quantitative methods to study organizational structures and leadership of systems serving students from racialized and low-income backgrounds. Crystal is collaborating with a team from UC Berkeley looking at the impact of professional development on teacher quality and retention for teachers of color in the Bay Area. She also is working on a project that explores the relationships that exist between leader development, the use of antiracist practices, and retention of Black principals and assistant principals in the San Francisco Unified School District. This East Coast gal has come a long way from her birthplace (Bronx, NY) and adopted hometown (Washington, DC) to research educational structures and systems in the Bay Area.
